Guidelines to Submit


The following guide to submit articles in Open Journal Systems version 3.1.2.
1. The author must create an account by registering on the "LOGIN" menu, select "REGISTER" or by clicking the link: As in the display as follows:

2. After the author has clicked REGISTER, then the following screen appears

Note: (Fill in the fields marked with a red star, required)
• Given Name
• Family Name (Not required)
• Affiliation (name of affiliation, origin of the author's institution)
• Country (Origin)
• Email (active author's email)
• Username (The name that will be used in the journal to log in), suggestions, just one word
• Password (fill in the password as desired).
REMEMBER !!! ... not the Email password, but the password to LOGIN to the IJORER. The minimum password is 6 digits
• Repeat Password (please repeat the password)
• Checklist (√) Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement.
• Checklist (√) Yes, I would like to be notified of new publications and announcements.
• Checklist (√) I’m Not a Robot

3. After all the forms are filled in correctly, please click "REGISTER"
4. If successful, a display like this will appear (if it hasn't worked, then there is a form that hasn't been filled out or there's an error, please correct it)

5. If it appears as shown in point 4 it means that the registration was successful
6. If you want to directly submit the article, click Make a New Submission (submit a new article). Then the following screen will appear (please check all):

Fill in the data above based on the type of each article.
7. After save and continue, the following image will appear:

Click article Component (several options will appear, select Article Text), then upload your Article file (Word) on the "Upload File" menu. Wait until the green check, click Continue.

8. After clicking Continue, it will go to the second and third steps

9. Click menu “Complete
10.The following image will appear (Click Save and Continue)

11. Then the following picture will appear (please fill in the red starred only. Then click Save and Continue)

To add authors 2, 3 and so on click "Add Contributor", the display will appear as follows:

Note how to write the correct keywords must be typed manually and each keyword must end with a comma (,) example: CCDSR, Learning Model, Physics Learning, Science Process Skills, Science Process Skills Learning,

12. When finished, click save and continue ... then the following image will appear (click Finish Submission) then click OK to confirm.

13. After clicking OK, the display will appear as follows:

14. If you have reached the 13th stage it means that you have successfully submitted an article on IJORER


To monitor the progress of your article please check periodically through each OJS account or via email

---------------------------------------GOOD LUCK & THANK YOU ------------------------------------