Chatbots and Flipped Learning: Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes through Personalised Support and Collaboration

Keywords: Chatbots, Collaboration, Engagement, Flipped learning, Personalised support


Objective: This paper explored the relationship between chatbots and flipped learning in an educational setting. It also identifies the benefits and drawbacks of using chatbots in a flipped learning context and the ethical and privacy concerns related to their use. Method: The study utilized a theoretical analysis approach, which included a comprehensive review of relevant literature from Scopus and World of Science databases. The data collected from the literature review was analyzed using a qualitative approach. Results: The study found that chatbots can potentially enhance student engagement and learning outcomes in a flipped learning context by providing personalized support, facilitating group discussions and collaborations, providing feedback and assessment on student work, supporting self-directed learning, and enhancing student engagement and motivation. However, using chatbots in a flipped learning context also raises ethical and privacy concerns, including data privacy, data security, and student anonymity. Novelty: Contributes to the existing research on using chatbots in education by providing insights into the potential benefits and drawbacks of using chatbots in a flipped learning context. The study highlights the importance of considering the ethical and privacy concerns and the future potential of chatbots in a flipped learning context and proposes future research directions.

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How to Cite
Baskara, F. R. (2023). Chatbots and Flipped Learning: Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes through Personalised Support and Collaboration. IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research, 4(2), 223-238.
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