Profile of Students' Misconceptions on Substance Pressure Using a Three-tier Diagnostic Test
Research aims to find out misconceptions experienced by students on the subject matter of substance pressure. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research using a survey method. The instrumental test used was a three-tier diagnostic test to determine the under-examined misconceptions. The research sample consisted of 43 junior high school students who had previously received substance-pressure learning materials in class. The data were analyzed by categorizing them into understanding the concept, needing more knowledge, errors, and misconception. The results of the study were as follows: (1) 9% of the students understood the concept, 51% of the students had a misconception, 34% of the students were lack of knowledge, and 6% of the students had some errors (2) misconceptions with the highest percentage were in the sub-concept of pressure gases with an average percentage of 70%, then the pressure of liquids (capillarity and osmosis in plant stems) was 52%, the pressure of solids was 51%.
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